I’m all pink

I got some sun out at the Hot Wheels Legacy event this morning. The fun started at 0600 when my alarm went off so I could catch the bus. Then I did the usual morning routine and was out the door about 0635, caffeinated and hydrated and pop-tarted. When I to to the bus stop I checked the itinerary and discovered the schedule I looked up was for Friday, not Saturday, after I had already activated my day pass and couldn’t get a refund. So I was committed to doing something or just throwing away $3. I knew that the closest approach during the weekend was the corner of Garland and Beltline, which was a bit of a slog, but doable if I stayed hydrated. So I set out on a 2 hour journey with a 1.8 mile walk to the event.

AAnnnd the battery on my new laptop needs to be recharged, so this will be continued later.

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