Happy Trans Day Of Visibility, and Easter if that’s your thing

OK I am aware of the kerfluffle with the people who want to cancel everything that isn’t Easter on Easter, and who are saying that Biden recognizing TDoV is somehow “cancelling” Easter. I know it’s not, they are just both happening on the same day this year because Easter is the week after Passover on the Jewish liturgical calendar, which happens to fall on 3/31 which is the TDoV.

For me this is basically Chocolate Rabbit Day. My celebrations of Spring are either before or after Easter, either the day of the Equinox, or the day I shave my beard and most of my hair to let my head be cooler. I’m still (extremely) fuzzy right now, so the shedding of my winter fur is still to come because I’m trying to move the inevitable cold snap that seems to be either the day of or no more than 2 days after be less bitter than previous years. One year we did the shedding on the same day as the Equinox celebration at church, and we had a blizzard by Texas standards and a couple of inches of snow and high winds. But moving the shedding of the fur a few weeks should prevent that. But if there’s an April Blizzard in N TX this year, you’ll at least know who to blame for it.

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