Daily Archives: May 22, 2024

I’m pissed off

I can’t put any finer of line on my emotional status right now. Let’s go to the beginning on this one.

It should be to nobody’s surprise that my mind isn’t what it used to be, and that the rest of me isn’t any great shakes either. But I adapt to keep making progress. I have several different projects going so that as I have the working bits I can actually do something Some days my brain doesn’t work good, many days my hands are not cooperating and frequently my back and legs are not with the program. So I have a project going that when my hands are functioning I get something done on that until I run out of parts, tools, or working hands. I write when my brain is working within tolerances. I have other stuff I do when my back and legs let me, but mostly it’s taking care of Mrs. the Poet.

You might have noticed that housework doesn’t show up on that list of things I do when I can, and that’s because that’s one that needs working legs and back as well as good balance, a combination that I need to use for taking care of Mrs. the Poet. Well this grates on Mrs. the Poet so she decided to hire a maid service. When the maid/housekeeper arrived I told her to not touch anything above the floor in my office, specifically the bed and the desk. This is because I leave unfinished projects on the desk or on the bed when I can’t work on them any more, so I can go back to where I left off and pick it back up again. Well, the second time she came in she made the bed and “straightened” the desk. The bed was where the 1/64th scale T-bucket project was sitting. I can find a few parts from that project, but not the most important thing, the actual T-bucket body. The wheels and tires were in a ziplock bag the engine was in another ziplock, but the body, interior, and stock windshield were all together and are now nowhere to be found. There was another project on the desk that I can’t find hide nor hair of now, and my other Hot Wheels that I had lined up where I could look at them and admire them are now slammed against the wall on the side of the desk where I can’t see most of them.

And to add salt to the wound there are piles of dust/dirt under the rug, one of the specific things I wanted to get taken care of because that is a tripping hazard, and I have recently (in November of last year) been in the hospital for tripping and falling and I can’t stand up to work the vacuum cleaner to get the floor clean. Guess what’s still there only worse? The piles of dust under the rug now have dropped cheese puffs that were not under the rug before because I would have had to bend over and pick up the rug for the cheese puffs to get under the rug. Also the cheese puffs were at the end of the bed, several feet away from the rug behind the desk which is alongside the bed (the rug, not the desk). My mental state is not good, the maid is now on the top of the list of people I want to take up to the von Karman line (100km asl) and drop without a pressure suit or parachute.