Daily Archives: May 19, 2024

I’m not dead yet

Basically there just hasn’t been anything to post about. I have been working on some fiction writing that isn’t ready to face the world yet (more superhero stuff seen from the villain’s viewpoint and I keep making them look too relatable, not bad enough), but when it is ready to face the world rest assured I will post it here first. I have also been reading the new Marion G. Harmon superhero book on my Kindle app, and his hero and my villain share the same power, but my character has much more power with it. His character can teleport himself and another 600 or so pounds about 300-400 feet. My character can teleport about a ton out to the LaGrange point on the far side of the Moon and is thinking about setting up a base on the Moon’s North Pole so he has some gravity to hold the hydroponics in place and can set up a ring of solar panels so that there are always some pointed directly at the sun as the Moon orbits the Earth.

Part of the problem is my character is a murderer, no two ways about it. But the people he murders are “not-good” people, basically billionaires working on becoming trillionaires. That’s how he’s paying for that lunar base, extorting billionaires by threatening to drop them from Low Earth Orbit altitude but not at orbital speed so they immediately re-enter the atmosphere and burn up, and of course there were a couple of billionaires who didn’t believe my character had the ability/guts to actually do it and he did with cameras broadcasting the drop pointed at the faces so people could see it was a real thing happening as they bodies burned up on re-entry. It didn’t look good even though the body was dead long before it hit the atmosphere, but the camera survived almost to the surface. So he kills billionaires, but only billionaires. Their security people are relocated a couple of thousand miles away from the house and each other but completely unharmed, their house staff are likewise unharmed aside from losing their employers. Anyway, after that he gets pretty much whatever monetary support he wants, with the money basically only moving from one secret account to another secret account ironically in the same bank as most of them because there aren’t that many banks who keep accounts completely secret from law enforcement and most of them are slightly (!) shady. He also gives most of the money to the workers of the companies the billionaires used to make their billions after paying for the stuff he needs to build the lunar base.

One thing I’m thinking of deleting is he basically goes after “dirty” cops on the take and ones that abuse the people they are supposed to be protecting. I really want this to happen but I can’t see how I can do it without getting just too political for the story. I mean I could do it with either his character going after the Uber-rich or dirty LEO, but not both. Like I wrote before, trying to not make the character look too sympathetic, and going after the robber barons and the rotten apples would kinda do exactly that. It would make him extremely sympathetic. Basically Robin Hood and the Green Hornet all rolled up together, minus the Merry Men or Kato and the Black Beauty.