I have a “new” computer, and you get the Feed

I’m back with a new computer and a temporary OS, so slight changes in article format are to be expected for a few days until I get data from my old HD over to the new computer and the new OS installed (I’m going to Ubuntu). To update on what has been going down since the last post, I still have no information on the guy that lost his arm rolling the Explorer over in front of me, I’m being investigated by a psychic agency to see if there is something that is actually attracting people to behave like idiots around me, with possible military applications (if you can get the enemy to act like he’s lost his mind, than half your battle is already won), and I missed a BPAC meeting at the NCTCOG because I didn’t have access to my e-mail. I also missed 256 reports from the Feed that you will never get to read here 😛

Up first in the Feed is a report on the driver that went off the road back in August and ran a cyclist over from behind on a straight stretch of highway in east TN back in August of last year Man indicted in elderly bicyclist’s death I hope I coded that right 🙂 This one is pretty straight-forward, the cyclist was away from the road surface on the shoulder and the driver was exceeding the speed limit and not driving on the road. The problem that may come is jury members that think the cyclist got what he deserved for riding in the roads with cars on his little toy instead of following the laws as they are written and recognizing the cyclist had a right to be where he was riding and the law required the driver to miss the cyclist by a minimum of 3 feet, and that driving on the shoulder is prohibited to motor vehicles except under very limited conditions.

The motorcycle rider that was drunk when he lost control of his vehicle and sent it sailing into the head of a cyclist fixing a flat tire on a section of bike path near the highway may be incompetent to stand trial because of his own injuries from the wreck. Motorcyclist Found Incompetent for Fatal DWI Trial While I want the slimeball to get a fair trial I’m also confronted by the fact that getting injured in a wreck that kills someone should not be a “Get out of Jail free” card for killing someone. My suggestion is to keep him in a minimum security hospital ward and treat his injuries until he is competent to stand trial for his protection as well as the protection of the rest of the world from further acts of drunken (or brain-damaged) stupidity or ignorance. That way he is protected from the outside world, and we are protected from him should he be faking. Oh yeah and they should have already put up a guardrail on that stretch of highway, this was the third cyclist killed or injured by a motor vehicle while using the bike path.

Still in NY, a cyclist was injured by a driver not paying attention to the road and violating his right of way. Cyclist injured in crash Not much to help you with on this wreck, the driver pulled directly into the cyclist from a side road. No reaction time, no avoidance maneuvers possible.

Things have been getting bad for Reno area cyclists as drivers are still not getting the message that bicycles are there, they’re legal, and you have to avoid hitting them just like you would any other vehicle on the road. Wednesday Cyclist Crashes Could Be Setback For Local Bike Community We as cyclists are not helping our cause any by also ignoring the rules of the road in the Reno area, education on both sides is required, not riding through a red light while rolling drunk would be a good start, and teaching kids the rules of the roads before letting them on bikes would be another big step. Revoking everyone’s driver’s license and retesting them would be the only sure way of getting the message out to the drivers that are already out there, and would be about as popular as passing gas in church.

Miami officials removed the memorial to a cyclist killed by a drunk celebrity after only 2 weeks. Christophe Le Canne’s Ghost Bike Removed, Cyclists Upset The quote from transportation officials that the memorial represented a hazard to pedestrians is specious. I have no doubts they actually said that it’s just a rather dubious reason to remove the memorial.

From the UK a funeral for a cyclist that was killed during my unwilling absence from the blog. Funeral today for tragic cyclist Since this is a UK wreck I really don’t have access to the information required to tell you the best way to avoid this kind of wreck.

From the Emerald Isle via the BBC is a report on the finding of a driver that killed an Irish champion road racer on a training ride guilty. Man guilty over cyclist death Apparently the driver was passing another car and ran head on into the cyclist, then left the scene. He won’t be doing that again…

And that’s all I have today, more tomorrow. I would like to say that I feel good about being back in the saddle again as it were, now if only the subject matter wasn’t so grim.

Billed@$0.02, Opus

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