Relief arrived in the mail, and the Feed

The trust fund has come through for Casa de El Poeta in the form of a large $$ check that we will use to pay off the mortgage, getting that particular monkey off our backs for good. I think I mentioned my BP going down because of a reduction in stress? Part of that reduction was the negotiations involved doing this. Now we have to deposit the check, wait for the DHS and DEA to clear it as a legitimate transaction, and then cut the certified check to the mortgage company to pay off the mortgage and get our home free and clear. Then we can start using what had been the mortgage payment to cover deferred maintenance, the house needs paint on the outside, and the bath to the master bedroom needs to be remodeled and the holes in the walls repaired ASAP. I really don’t like listening to frogs and crickets while I’m taking a shower inside my house! And I have never seen such a large check in my life, all those zeroes 😮 !

Update on a disgusting story is even more disgusting. Affluenza’ teen’s father busted for impersonating a police officer Remember this one? Sixteen YO kid was drunk on stolen beer and ran over a group of people helping a stranded motorist, killing I think 2(?), and crippling at least one more, and the judge said he was too rich to understand what he did? This shows just how far from the tree the apple fell. Not very far.

Another cyclist/train “incident”. Cyclist killed by train in Detroit and Cyclist hit by train on Detroit’s west side OK there is something going on here, this makes more bicycle/train wrecks in less than 8 months than I normally see in a year. I don’t know if this is a statistical glitch, or if there are people using trains as suicide weapons, or a combination of the two, or someone has developed a mind control ray and is testing it out on cyclists first. OK that last one was going into tin foil hat territory, but seriously, given how easy it is to not get hit by a train having almost twice the normal annual average in less than 8 months is flaky in the extreme. In the meantime the easiest way to not get hit by a train is to not be on the tracks when one is coming, paying attention to crossing guards and signals and looking and listening for one of the large and noisy things so you’re “not there” with the train.

Moving a bit west from that wreck we get a right hook in CO. Boulder police: Cyclist hit by car on Arapahoe Avenue seriously injured Straight-forward right hook wreck caused by improper intersection design with a separated bike path several feet to the right of the street, this can only be solved with separate signal phases for the bike path and the rest of the intersection. Or in other words get the infrastructure “up to Dutch”, because this situation can’t be solved by cyclists and drivers “being careful”. Because of the geometry of this intersection the protocols are of little help.

Kill a cyclist, get a ticket? Lincoln man charged with misdemeanors in death of bicyclist Oh, sorry, ticket and a small fine. Misdemeanors for killing a human being. If it wasn’t for the sidebar article proclaiming that selling drugs got a man 15 years without actually killing anyone I might be more philosophical about this, but putting one man getting 15 years for making and selling something people want while another gets misdemeanor charges for killing someone because “OOhh, drugs are BAD!” and hitting someone not even on the road is an “accident”.

Update on that NYC left hook by an unlicensed cab driver. Livery Driver Charged in Cyclist’s Death Still way undercharged for the seriousness of the outcome. Should not have been driving because unable to prove competency for driving and kills someone proving how incompetent he is, and they can’t charge him with anything that corresponds to the seriousness of the effect.

I think NYPD is more concerned that a bullet “almost” hit one of theirs than the fact that a cyclist was the one being targeted. NYPD: This Gunman Aimed At Bicyclist And Nearly Shot A Cop gasp! a bullet came within several feet of an officer! This miscreant must be brought to justice!

And while we are in NYC, they are trying to add an illegal $88 surcharge to the bicycle tickets they are handing out. DMV Charging Cyclists An Extra $88 For “Operation Safe Cycle” Tickets Any disparaging remark I could make now would just be redundant.

Someone wins the door prize. Bicyclist dies after crashing into car door As they showed in the video the bike lane was more than halfway into the door zone, and I believe NH is a mandatory sidepath state (I know someone will correct me if I’m wrong, they always do). That means that the cyclist was forced to ride in the door zone by law… making this wreck unavoidable by a human cyclist and only preventable by changing the infrastructure that caused it.

A hit and run from the Great White North. Teen cyclist tossed a ‘considerable distance’ in hit-and-run near Marineland Since the cyclist was with a group and there is no mention of lights or reflectors it has to be assumed the cyclist was visible, or something would have been mentioned. Hit from behind protocols to avoid or reduce damages, and get the infrastructure “up to Dutch” to prevent.

“Good” to know that the Blue Wall extends all the way to Canada. Teen cyclist struck dead by cop’s wife, family’s questions ‘not answered’ The woman had been drinking but was never tested for her BAC%, she was allowed to drive the weapon vehicle away from the wreck… TANJ!

This UK report goes way beyond the pale, even for an Anglophone country. Blackwood driver took photo of fatally injured cyclist after crash, court hears

This trial report from the UK is? Trialish? Bath man pleads guilty to hit-and-run incident which killed cyclist Jake Gilmore and Man pleads guilty to causing the death of Chard teenage cyclist Jake Gilmore The ironic thing is the driver will probably get more time for the pot than for killing and leaving a young man on the side of the road.

Infrastructure causes a bike wreck, and what are the media concerned about? Queues after cyclist injured in street fall Man falls off his bike because the street is crap and gets badly injured, but more importantly, traffic got backed up and Important People in Cars had to wait.

Get in a wreck that destroys your clothes so they give you a hospital gown to stay covered up, and wind up getting chased by police as an escaped patient! Police helicopter pursues injured cyclist mistaken for escaped hospital patient

Our Daily Ted. Morning Links: Details come out in death of randonneur Matthew O’Neill; new Chinese bike doesn’t need you

Lifestyle in San Diego CA. Hundreds to ride in support of severely injured cyclist and a picture from FB.
SD PD on ride for injured cyclist

And not directly related to bikes but uber-cool. Magical algae turns sewage into biofuel and Dasani Not sure if the “Dasani” bit is product placement or a dig at the product, but this is a variation of the sewage lagoons method of treating sewage, with the same sterilized high-quality fertilizer as an end product but with the added bonus of diesel fuel as a byproduct.

And those were all the links I have for today.

Billed @€0.02, Opus

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