More Stupid stuff than you ever thought possible. and the Feed

Well you might think I would be all written out after the previous post, but I am an endless barrel of exposition . No, seriously, I can keep writing for days, weeks even. I just take Saturdays off so I can have some semblance of a social life. I have all the ideas I need to keep writing forever except for the bouts I have with aphasia, and needing to sleep once in a while.

Main reason why cyclists break traffic laws? Because the laws were written for 1+ ton vehicles with much higher power-to-weight ratios than bicycles, and following laws written for those vehicles can get cyclists killed. Let’s talk seriously about why cyclists break traffic laws

Remember what I keep saying about helmets never preventing a wreck? Study: What Puts Cyclists at Greatest Risk? It’s Not What You Wear Apparently they don’t do much to prevent injury, either.

Have problems finding bike parking near your favorite store or mall? There might be a reason for that. SHOP BLOCKED Unless I absolutely have to I no longer shop stores without bike parking.

More on the MD bike tragedy as it has affected infrastructure discussions and the bicycle Lifestyle in MD. On Palermo tragedy, ‘Agony in the Garden’ and the Next Baltimore The event has had a major impact on the Episcopalian community of MD if nothing else. And Boys Latin students were first to stop to help injured cyclist Palermo

One NV town is determined to make cycling work within the narrow proscriptions of state law. Taking ‘Bike-Friendly’ to a whole new level

Infrastructure news from America’s Amsterdam. New striping on Vancouver Ave is a ‘SAFE’ hotline success story

If you happen to be in KY in March… National American Handmade Bicycle Show 2015

What is it about cyclists that drives people to act as if we don’t count as human beings? Attack on cyclist: Staffordshire police witness appeal The cyclist was attacked by someone in a car but not driving, WTH?

I am so jelly on this. You’re about to get really jealous of these cool bike paths Yes, I used “jelly” in an unironic mode meaning “jealous”, so sue me.

Not so “jelly” about this steaming pile of UK infrastructure. Embassy response to Crystal Palace Parade junction improvement scheme Another plan to speed up drivers with a bit of crappy bike infrastructure thrown in to comply with laws and spend budget without actually giving anything useful to cyclists. There is something useful in this scheme, protected left turns for cyclists (which would be the same as protected rights for here in the US) so maybe “steaming pile” is a little harsh? On further review “steaming pile” is if anything too lenient.

And I’m all out of links today.

Billed @€0.02, Opus the Poet

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