Daily Archives: October 6, 2014

This post will be published late, and the Feed

I know this post will go up late because as soon as I finish the opening paragraph I’m headed to the laundromat with a dirty comforter that won’t fit in our washer or dryer. Mrs. the Poet said that because it was my glass of tea that spilled on the comforter I’m the one that gets to schlep it down to the laundromat and sit with it until it’s dry and ready to take home. I had to delay doing that for a bit because we had a literal frog-strangler of a rain this AM that left the roads flooded making riding a cargo bike with a comforter on the bed Not A Good Thing, and the roads are just now dry enough to ride on.

OK I’m back, and good News Everybody! The super secret job I work at that I would have to kill you before I told you about it has given me a promotion and a raise. This means I will be getting a few more $ per month than I was getting before.

Up first is a hit-and-run from the home of the Hotter’n’Hell Hundred. Cyclist critically injured in hit-and-run No mode given but with the levels of damage discussed in the article the speed was on the high side (right front, fender, windshield and roof). Since mode wasn’t given and I couldn’t pull up a Google Street View because of all the tabs I had open basically shutting my laptop down, I can’t even say if this is a wreck that could be prevented with changes to the physical infrastructure.

Cyclist in NYC runs into cop wandering in the bike lane, no criminality suspected (yay!). Cop injured on Brooklyn Bridge as cyclist hits officer on footpath and Cyclist Injures Cop On Brooklyn Bridge, No Criminality Suspected That “footpath” is technically shared use with a paint stripe separating pedestrians from cyclists. And for once it’s a good thing that they are treating the cyclist the same as they do a driver, because this is exactly what happens to drivers who don’t leave the scene and are not chemically impaired at the time of the wreck. Nothing, a big fat “no criminality suspected” with not so much as a ticket even in the case of a fatality. But for our purposes, moderate your speed in areas of heavy pedestrian traffic, and don’t hit the pedestrians! Final comment on the wreck from the first link: “this is a real tragedy. that’s his doughnut eating arm!

Upstate NY politician may have been drunk when he hit a cyclist… Police say BC legislator drunk when he hit cyclist Cyclist is fortunately not badly injured, politician is severely damaged politically. Intersection protocols to avoid or reduce damages, and get the infrastructure “up to Dutch” to prevent.

A CT cyclist is injured in a mystery wreck. Car Hops Main Street Sidewalk in Reverse Near William Raveis on Sunday The driver going up on the sidewalk had nothing to do with the cyclist wreck, which LEO had no clue about as of this posting. Assuming no medical emergency this sounds like a buzz job to me, which implies hit-from-behind protocols to avoid or reduce damages, and get that infrastructure “up to Dutch” to prevent.

Moving to CA there has been an arrest in a hit-and-run. Woman arrested for alleged hit-and-run that killed cyclist This was a wreck I initially covered last week, so check out last week’s posts for the story because this report lacks enough detail to give accurate information on avoiding or prevention.

Another dead pedestrian, this time in far West Canuckistan. Stanley Park pedestrian, 71, dies after being hit by cyclist also STANLEY PARK PEDESTRIAN DIES FROM INJURIES AFTER BEING HIT BY CYCLIST I wish I knew how to prevent bike/ped wrecks. I’m not sure about this one other than the collision was in the road and not in a crosswalk. There may be an infrastructure solution, but I have serious doubts about that. The only group of road users less predictable than cyclists is pedestrians.

More on the sentencing of a UK killer. ‘Look at that nutter’: witness to ‘fast and mad’ driver who killed cyclist – jailed for three years also Pick-up truck driver who hit and killed a cyclist moments after sending a text message is jailed for three years and nine months Not-quite-legally drunk, texting, speeding, and ending up killing a cyclist on another road entirely and he gets less than 4 years. TANJ!

And one that got away. Cyclist who almost lost life “let down” after lawyer’s error sees driver escape dangerous driving prosecution TANJ!

A terrorist attack on a major bike ride in Wales. Nantymoel drawing pin cycling saboteur hunted The only thing preventing this from being classified as a terror attack is the class of victims… TANJ! Again!

A secondary wreck injures a cyclist in Enn Zed. Masterton crash in hailstorm The driver had a wreck independent of hitting the cyclist, the cyclist was just “there”. And there is nothing you can do except not to be “there” when the wreck happens.

Our Daily Ted. Morning Links: A better Gran Fondo, why women really don’t ride, and the deadly dangers of distracted cops

Infrastructure! news from OR. Where TriMet riders and Portland bicyclists collide: Fix coming for hazardous Hawthorne Bridge bus stop (video)

A little education infrastructure from Scotland. Interactive course for road users seeks to reduce the number of cyclists injured And that URL was just huge…

Cyclists have been telling Australian transportation authorities for years that this was a bad design and implementation for cyclists. Independent engineer brought in to examine M2 expansion joints after spate of bicycle accidents Several serious injury wrecks later and they are starting to get the impression that riding across this expansion joint at an acute angle on a bicycle might be a little dangerous? I’m just glad it didn’t take a fatality to get it fixed like certain other places I can think of. {coughBowRoundaboutcough}

Lifestyle from MI. Speaking with Silence and Ride of Silence honors fallen bicyclist

And a little lifestyle from the next state over from WoaB. Zombie bike ride to raise bike safety awareness

And a little note about Ebola after the zombie ride link, while some of the kids exposed to the Dallas Ebola case went to the feeder schools for Mrs. the Poet’s school, none of them are old enough to be in her school, and at any rate just serving food is not enough contact to contract Ebola.

Billed @€0.02, Opus the unkillable badass Poet