Daily Archives: October 2, 2014

Another grocery day with thumder storms, and the Feed

Another day shopping for food and sundries, spiced this time by being inside the store while a violent thunderstorm raged outside, violent enough that people were calling my cell to make sure I wasn’t out in it. We weren’t but we did see evidence of a major downpour on the way home, like small branches everywhere, sections of fence blown down in the streets and alleys, and a sea of mud in the back yard.

Up first is a cyclist witnessed by pedestrians pulling out into traffic and getting hurt on the opposite side of her head from where witnesses claimed she impacted. Woman Injured in Bicycle-Motorcycle Accident Hit from behind wreck that could have been avoided by a little better SA on the part of the cyclist. Kudos to the motorcyclist trying to avoid the wreck and laying the bike down.

Excuse me while I engage in a little schadenfreude. Sunset Hills mayor charged with assault for allegedly hitting cyclist with car If it wasn’t for the fact that I already know the guy that said this right before (and as) he tried to kill me is dead and buried for several years now I would be sending the “good mayor” a subpoena for notice of where he was on the night of the crime… Heck I might do it anyway, just for giggles.

A cyclist is hit-and-run in AL. Fairhope cyclist hit, injured by SUV; driver sought The narrative of the wreck sounds like deliberate assault to me (weapon vehicle left the road after hitting the cyclist and hit an obstruction off the shoulder of the road then continued on). Hit from behind protocols would have been ineffective in this incident as the driver made sure he(?) went all the way off the road to get the cyclist, rendering escape routes moot. Getting the infrastructure “up to Dutch” would prevent a future wreck.

A CO cyclist is hit allegedly running a red light. 14-year-old boy riding bike hit by vehicle in Arapahoe County; teen has life-threatening injuries Intersection protocols to avoid particularly the one that says to not run red lights or stop signs with oncoming traffic. If the infrastructure was “up to Dutch” then the cyclist and the driver would have been on mostly parallel but segregated street networks with little to no interaction and this would not have happened.

Another salmon cyclist is hit and killed in the most deadliest state in the US to walk or ride a bike. Orlando bicyclist killed on U.S. 1 That is a bad road to be riding a bike on particularly if you aren’t riding according to the rules. There are bike lanes on part of US 1 but drivers have a bad tendency to use them as passing lanes when traffic is backed up and turn lanes at intersections and to not pay any attention to if there is a person riding a bicycle in the lane. This was one of those stretches that had bike lanes and also had medians blocking the road making cyclists go out of their way to get to where they could ride both on the right side of the road and in the direction of their destination. So now we might know what caused the cyclist to ride salmon. To avoid don’t ride salmon, to prevent don’t make cyclists have to choose between crossing a busy highway without a traffic signal or riding salmon.

A cyclist in TN had a medical emergency out on the bike trail. Man dies after having medical emergency while biking in Maryville I got nothing on this one except sympathy for the cyclist’s survivors.

This VA wreck report had lots of information on what happened after the wreck. Suffolk cyclist dies after collision with pickup truck Not much on what happened before or during the wreck other than a location. LEO are sitting extremely tight on this one, which in VA usually means the driver done screwed up royally.

(Not) typical UK treatment of dangerous drivers that injure cyclists. Cheltenham cyclist Mark Schofield, who almost died when hit by a Ranger Rover, feels ‘let down’ as the driver will not be prosecuted after legal error What makes this not typical? the driver was considered for prosecution. Most drivers never see the inside of a UK court after hitting a cyclist and being found at fault.

If you really want to kill someone… Truck driver fined over cyclist’s death Do it with a motor vehicle and claim you “didn’t know” you did it. The worst you will get is a fine or maybe a few weekends in jail.

A two-part Daily Ted. Gov. Brown tacitly endorses hit-and-run; LA finally says enough is enough when it comes to traffic deaths

And part the second. Morning Links: Fundraiser for bike-friendly SaMo Mayor O’Conner, CicLAvia visits Boyle Heights on Sunday

Infrastructure! news from CT. New law to protect cyclists, pedestrians This is virtually identical to a law that was vetoed by Gov. Goodhair back in 2009 that would have protected vulnerable users in TX starting in 2010. Since then more than 100 cyclists and 2000 pedestrians have died in wrecks that fell under the purview of the law.

A little lifestyle from CA. Family of bicyclist killed in hit-run raising funds You would think that charges would be filed before they buried the victim.

Presented without comment. Cyclists v the rest of the world – can we please call a truce?

Advice from The Cannibal. A public service announcement

Getting the “Down Low Glow” on your pedal powered ride. Bicycle Trailer LED Lights This will work not just on trailers but also on the down tube and chain stays of a regular bike or the bed of a cargo bike like Francis/es.

And those were all the links I could find for today.

Billed @€0.02, Opus the unkillable badass Poet