I hate road closures, and the Feed

Well I have just finished the solid part of my breakfast. I haven’t even opened the folder the Feed gets sent to to begin filtering, but my experience yesterday in Richardson for their fireworks has me so upset I have to get this part off my chest right away. What it amounts to is because of road closures what should have been just over 10 miles round trip turned into almost 18 miles on the bike, when I had fuelled and watered for only the 10 and had already decided to forego the food vendors at the event. Fortunately there were water fountains working at the park where this fireworks shoot took place, so while I was running on fumes by the time I got home at least I was mostly hydrated. Then on the way back while I was powering up a hill in stop and go traffic doing about 15 MPH the cop directing traffic had the gall to tell me to get my bicycle off the road, when it was the cars in front of me that had been impeding me! Grrr!

Up first is another hit-and-run against a cyclist in the L.A. CA area. Cyclist Killed in Hit-and-Run Near Dockweiler State Beach As is usual in cases like this the wreck was hit-from-behind and the cyclist had little to no chance of avoiding the vehicle that hit him. I’m not sure but I think this is the same wreck, if not then add yet another cyclist hit-and-run fatality to the score. Bicyclist killed in hit-and-run in El Segundo still more When will it ever stop? El Segundo cyclist killed by hit-and-run driver July 4th; Rybicki improving with a tip of the sombrero to BikinginLA Hit-and-Run Driver Kills Bicyclist Near Dockweiler Beach

A cyclist was hit and killed near Hotlanta. Cyclist Struck, Killed In Sandy Springs If you look close at the bumper you can see the dent where the back tire of the bike made contact with the car before the rider was thrown over the fender and into the windshield. This almost confirms a hit-from-behind wreck without even seeing the victim’s bike as almost any other mode of wreck would have left a wider, more shallow dent in the bumper cover.

A wreck in WA where fault is given but not the mode of the wreck. Bicyclist struck by SUV is listed in satisfactory condition At this point in the proceedings we know the juvenile in control of the SUV is at fault (so far) but what actually happened is a deep, dark secret because there was a juvenile involved.

A cyclist is killed by a falling tree outside our nation’s capital. Storm Kills One On C&O Canal Not much you can do to avoid falling trees except ride where there are no trees, and that’s not much fun.

Update on the GA cyclist killed in FL, lane position of the cyclist has been determined and it doesn’t look good at all for the driver. Georgia man killed while riding his bike in Walton County The report now has the rider in a bike lane or on the shoulder (still not known if there is an actual bike lane there) when he was hit from behind. This makes this double the fault of the driver, first for not giving the required 3 feet of clearance required to pass a cyclist, second because she wandered out of her lane to hit him. Not good at all.

More on the Dershowitz killing. Dershowitz’s sister-in-law struck, killed while riding bicycle in New York The lack of criminal charges bothers me, but not as much as the failure to even give the driver a ticket for failure to give the 3 feet of clearance required when passing a cyclist.

Moving on to the Great White North, a cyclist is hit from behind but cause of the wreck has not been determined. Cyclist killed in crash identified Helloooo! The cyclist was hit from behind, the driver failed to pass with appropriate care. What is so hard to figure out about that?

What may have been a hit-and-run against a cyclist in Canuckistan. Police looking for witness to accident that left cyclist injured Cyclist with injuries consistent with being hit by a car, but no car debris left at the scene. It could have been a wreck where the motor vehicle knocked the cyclist over and his kinetic energy caused the injuries rather than the kinetic energy of the motor vehicle, as the cyclist survived it could have been an impact not hard enough to dislodge any bits from the car. Or the driver could have stopped, cleaned up all the bits that fell off, then left the scene before the cyclist recovered full consciousness. Or low probability, the cyclist could have fallen off the bike and hit something really hard when he fell, all by himself.

Another cyclist hit from behind by a heavy vehicle in the GWN. Cyclists not wearing helmets – do they need pictures of brains on asphalt? In spite of the headline this article is more about drivers not watching where they are going that bike helmets. The cyclist was hit from behind while headed west about 2 hours before sunset, IOW in broad daylight, lights and reflectors would not be an issue in this wreck. The article is very emotional about the causes of the wreck.

Infrastructure! in NC. On four wheels or two, safety first

And that’s all I have today.

2 responses to “I hate road closures, and the Feed

  1. Those El Segundo / Dockweiler Beach stories all refer to the same collision; however, there was another cycling collision about 12 hours later in San Pedro that resulted in a second death: http://bit.ly/pkiNQY


    • Opus the Poet

      Well, shazbot! There has to be a change in mindset in the LEO community that a motor vehicle is a deadly weapon, that people getting killed isn’t an “Ooopsie” moment but negligent homicide. And yes I know “shazbot” as a cuss dates me severely… 😉


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