My creative side wants OUT, and the Feed

I had another one of those “world creating” dreams last night. Remember the one I related in a Sunday post recently about zombies? This one was more of a slice-of-life setting in an urban environment. There were lots of characters of various ages but all adult living in a strange building that had individual rooms with large closets/storage spaces and private baths like a motel room, and a large common area with shared eating, cooking, and laundry facilities. I remember unloading the dishwasher and putting away a ton of silverware, at least 10 place settings and doing some other cleaning of the common area before going out of a walk. Just on our block there were 3 other buildings like mine, 2 restaurants, 2 groceries, and some retail that I didn’t bother to look at before returning to my building and waking up. I’m taking this as my subconscious telling me I need to collaborate on a fiction project with someone probably to give me an actual creative outlet. This blog is great and I really need to make these posts to keep the word out on what gets people hurt when riding and how to avoid it with the built environment and changes that need to be made to prevent it with new infrastructure. But I also need some other creative outlet preferably with someone who can write convincing dialog. I write like I talk, or how I used to talk before I got hit with the truck. And I will be the first to admit, most people don’t talk like me. Let me rephrase that, nobody talks like me, not the way I talk now and definitely not the way I used to talk. So my dialog writing sucks. My speech modes work with one or at very most two out of a large cast of characters, or as an internal monologue from an omniscient narrator/character with paraphrasing of outside dialog. So maybe I should make my Magnum opus (by Opus) a series of blog posts? Too self-referential? I will have to think about it.

Up first is a “double”, two links to the same video of a really stupid and dangerous driver in Far West Canuckistan. Idiot driver uses Burrard Street separated bike lane, almost hits cyclist (video) and this link from the CBC. VIDEO Vancouver driver in separated bike lane almost right-hooks cyclist Notice the driver ignores/misses the segregated bike lane entrance and spends a block driving in the bike lane before moving to the other side of the barrier for another block and then right-hooking the faster cyclist who had to execute an excellent demonstration of the right hook protocols to avoid becoming road pizza. Also notice in the uncensored video of the first link the sexist profanity uttered by the cyclist that was cut off. Sorry about that.

A three car wreck on a cyclist in the most deadliest state in the US to ride a bike with two hit and runs. Bicyclist hit, killed in Orange County Not enough of the bike left to tell if the cyclist had lights or reflectors, or he did have lights/reflectors. Hit from behind (let’s assume, since the bike was hit so many times that determining the original direction of travel was impossible) protocols to avoid and get the infrastructure “up to Dutch” to prevent.

Update on an IA wreck from last month. Man Charged in Death of Onawa Cyclist Really, a seatbelt ticket in a fatal wreck? I would laugh except it is so obvious they are throwing everything possible at this driver and want to be SEEN throwing everything possible at this driver. I’m hoping this is to send a warning to other drivers that kill cyclists that killing cyclists is not acceptable behavior and will be punished to the greatest extent possible, and not a “show” put on in the media to appease cyclists so they will continue to come to RAGBRAI and spend money in IA. As I posted for the original link to this wreck this was not something a human cyclist could avoid…

A dangerous run-in in IL. Cyclist claims driver pushed him off road The description of the wreck from the driver makes it quite clear the driver had been in a physically threatening lane position for quite a while if the group was pounding on his vehicle. Even the driver’s own words say what a danger he was to other road users. Not a wreck that could be avoided with a human cyclist (he was going to get someone sooner or later the way he was driving). Safe segregated bicycle infrastructure with a barrier to prevent, plus much stricter standards for driver’s licenses.

This CA report really ticks me off royal. Daughter Of LAPD Sergeant Who Killed Cyclist Then Tried To Cover It Up Will Likely Serve Two Years In Prison So 2 years for the wreck with nothing for killing the cyclist and zip for covering up the wreck and filing a false police report.

The driver in an AK hit-and-run has been charged. Anchorage teen charged with manslaughter, DUI in cyclist death Interesting that she left the scene and was found later in the truck but hasn’t been charged with hit-and-run? Failure to assist can be charged without leaving the scene. She was found in the truck several blocks from the scene.

Another Canuckistan cyclist death. Man charged in death of 11-year-old cyclist granted bail OK I don’t know anyone who can ride on the shoulder of a road and be able to dodge a car or truck that is going off the road right where you are riding. And as the Dutch model for this area is a bike path parallel to the highway (so that help can come from whoever shows up first in case of a bicycle wreck requiring medical assistance) that wouldn’t help much unless this was a deliberate attempt to kill or injure a cyclist on the road, in which case being on the bike path would probably not cause the driver to lose his mind and try to kill someone. So what I’m saying is if this was an actual “accident” caused by equipment failure or medical emergency, infrastructure would not prevent the wreck, but if the guy was trying to kill the cyclist for being on the road then having separate places for cars and bicycles would probably have prevented the wreck.

Another Canadian right hook. Cyclist killed after colliding with concrete truck in London Cyclist in the bike lane going straight, cement truck going right from an inside lane because it can’t turn tight enough to stay all the way to the right without running over the curb or into the oncoming lane on the street being turned on, and screams then silence… Nothing the cyclist could have done to avoid the wreck given the built environment, so the environment has to change to prevent another wreck.

Have you seen this vehicle? Police seek pickup truck in hit-and-run that hurt Coquitlam cyclist This was a wreck in West Canuckistan…

The final words on a bike/ped wreck. Pedestrian hit by a cyclist died from massive blood clot six days after doctors failed to spot a badly injured artery in his neck OK so the pedestrian had a stroke after the wreck that might have been caused by the wreck but probably wasn’t or was just waiting for something to trigger it, and because the doctor did not have the correct software on his computer to examine the imaging from the victim the victim died from a stroke. (?) The cyclist was absolved because the pedestrian initially showed no visible injury after the wreck and the two exchanged information before the cyclist left the scene. Still DON’T HIT THE PEDESTRIANS!

Update on the cyclist killed in a marked cyclepath crossing in the UK. Partner’s tribute to cyclist Wendy Roberts, killed on Kingswood road minutes after finishing shift at care home Nothing new on the wreck, just personal information about the victim. Careful or you might have trouble with something in your eye.

Our Daily Ted. Morning Links: Possible Olin cover-up, USC students launch Nutlock, and the other cyclist from my hometown

Infrastructure! news from Jolly Olde. Fears for cyclists as toll of injuries goes up The SI portion of cyclist KSI keeps going up because drivers are no better than they ever were and possibly worse while the K part stays the same because the NHS is just that good.

A pleasant link from Bike Nashbar Well, you’ll need to stop for a snack, but it sure beats paying for gas! and the link for the T-shirt INFINITE FUEL

And those were all the links including the links I had to stay up past midnight for and I don’t care if I had any fits or giggles, I’m tired.

Billed @€0.02, Opus

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