Take one day off and people start looking for things for you to do, and the Feed

This post is very late getting started because I was Shanghaied into several hours worth of shopping trips and going to a softball game, and making dinner. While nothing was real bad, except maybe the softball game 😉 it all took time away from the computer and doing the blog post. So later than I usually complete the post. I start with the links.

Up first some good news on a cyclist believed deliberately hit by a Dodge Nitro in GA. ‘Hello’ – Injured cyclist speaks LEO think they have the weapon vehicle, but haven’t charged a driver yet, although pending charges are attempted murder. They are still trying to determine if the victim has permanent brain damage or just the kind that eventually gets better or undetectably bad.

Over in LA a cyclist is killed in a hit-and-run, with two links. Acadiana police blotter for July 8, 2014 The wreck is the top article on the blotter. And Cyclists focus on road safety The cyclist was hit from behind on a road that everyone agrees was too narrow to safely share a lane between a cyclist and a motor vehicle. So protocols to prevent, and get the infrastructure “up to Dutch” to prevent.

An IL cyclist is hit from behind. UPDATE: Peru woman dies after van-bike crash The cyclist was riding an e-assist bike when hit from behind, and LEO are trying to use that to blame the cyclist for the wreck. TANJ! Protocols to avoid or reduce damages, and get the infrastructure “up to Dutch” to prevent, including telling LEO that the overtaking vehicle is required by law to pass safely without hitting the passed vehicle even when the passed vehicle has a tiny electric motor temporarily supplying motive power (Federal regs declare a bicycle with 750 or fewer watts rated power that is governed to not travel faster than 20 MPH on level ground with no wind is a bicycle for legal definitions, this has been law for more than 12 years now).

A wreck in far West Canuckistan leaves the cyclist posting to social media to catch the driver of the weapon vehicle. Injured B.C. cyclist posts photo on Facebook of SUV and driver that hit him Left cross left the cyclist injured and slightly in shock but got “with it” enough to photograph the driver and the back of the weapon vehicle as he was leaving the scene.

A UK wreck caught on frightening video. Shocking moment a cyclist was catapulted through the air by a hit-and-run driver in head-on crash – but escaped without serious injury The license plate was blocked out in the video because it was determined the plate was cloned off a legally registered vehicle of the same make and color. This is the UK equivalent of a left cross and you see how quickly these wrecks develop. There was no time to use any protocols aside from “roll with the impact”. That’s not one of mine by the way, that one comes from a Hollywood stuntman from the 1930s or ’40s. And get the infrastructure “up to Dutch” to prevent a similar wreck in the future.

This is a combination wreck and infrastructure link because the wreck was caused by defective UK infrastructure. Cyclists injured after hitting ‘stealth hole’ in road Yep, that depression has claimed another victim, sharp enough to knock a cyclist off the bike and on the deck, but subtle enough that cyclists don’t see it until too late to avoid it or not at all if there is other traffic diverting attention from the road surface to such mundane matters as not running into other vehicles.

A tire-touch wreck on a group ride in Oz leaves two injured cyclists. Two cyclists injured in crash on Cope Road This is one of the constant dangers of group rides that just anyone can join, and there’s nothing that can be done about it except not go on group rides that anyone can join.

Update on a wreck in Enn Zed. Cyclist killed in Hamilton named The narrative now reads the cyclist turned in front of the bright yellow delivery van, that was going fast enough to leve a 30 foot long debris field from the point of impact to where the cyclist disengaged from the truck. Intersection protocols still apply, just that now the cyclist should have yielded to the van. And infrastructure “up to Dutch” would still prevent the wreck.

Our Daily Ted is a shade bitter today. Morning Links: Biking backlash to misguided WaPo bikelash, and a fund for injured Manhattan Beach racer

Infrastructure! news from ID. Injured cyclist wants Boise bike lanes improved I have a hint for you, there’s a manual available from the Dutch government that lays out how to build safe bicycle infrastructure that will attract cyclists while keeping them safe and happy that only costs about $110 US or so…

Another infrastructure/wreck article from Jolly Olde. Crash could cost cyclist dream career This is another road defect that was brought to the attention of the powers that be long before the wreck it caused.

More on “More cyclists means fewer wrecks for everyone” meme that seems to be developing. INSIDE TRACK: More cyclists will make our roads safer for everyone As pointed out here before, If everyone gets out of private motor vehicles and walks, rides a bike, or takes transit, then deaths from private motor vehicles will drop to zero and drivers of transit and delivery vehicles will identify with cyclists and pedestrians because most likely they will use one of those modes to get to work themselves.

Are ugly bikes Lifestyle for cyclists? MAD MAX MEETS RAT ROD CULTURE AT MCFLY CUSTOMS The bike appears to be perfectly ridable… And I think that is about the best I can say about it.

Do you speak Car Horn? Translators are needed now in many major cities. TALKING TO MACHINES Apply via Bikeyface.

And I think I broke my brain trying to get this done at a reasonable hour and with decent writing. Ima go read a book. 😛

Billed @€0.02, Opus

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