Daily Archives: March 21, 2014

A nice easy day, and the Feed

I have another easy day with little to nothing to do except write the blog post and maintain life support (gotta remember to pay the air and gravity bills…) šŸ˜ˆ Tomorrow will be a bit busier as I need to get some bike parts from the store that I bought a while back, and I have been invited to join another RPG group and either bring back the original Sparrow, or roll up another character at 7th level. And then on Sunday I get to have my head shaved so that everyone will know that it is Spring (which usually only lasts 3 or 4 weeks here in TX).

Up first is a cyclist injured in an infrastructure related wreck. Cyclist injured in county bike path fall Slimy mud can be more dangerous than ice to a cyclist, and the problem is you can’t tell what the traction will be like until you are already rolling the hazard. And even if you are wearing a helmet there are other things that can be injured in a fall that are not protected by a helmet. Oh and for the technical wonks out there the traction of a mud-covered pavement will be a complex relation of the surface roughness of the pavement, the grain size of the dirt portion of the mud, and the water content of the mud…

You can get away with murder in CA, as long as you use a car as the weapon. Friends of killed cyclist say hit-and-run driver getting off easy This was the same person that Ted Rogers reported on yesterday…

The daily link to BikingInLA: Santa Monica police blame the victim in a new bike safety video, two better videos and your Morning Links I will have to ask Ted about his search strings to see why he gets things my Feed does not.

Amalgamated data from bicycle and motorcycle wrecks in one GA county where LEO doesn’t particularly like either group shows that cars are the problem. Drivers more likely to be primary factors in causes of bike-car accidents About 1/3 of the wrecks were caused by the cyclists when judged by a LEO that has a significant degree of “windshield bias” which means that in many of the cases the cyclists’ “fault” could have been “riding in the road”. I can’t state that was the case in all the wrecks, but still the fact that 2/3 of the wrecks were the fault of the driver as judged by a group that has a significant bias towards drivers and against cyclists.

A bike thief is caught in NE. UNL Police Bring Down Bicycle Thief Bike thieves should be shot, hanged, drawn, and quartered. Not that anyone has ever stolen any of MY bikes (just 3 in the last 13 years).

More on the UK cyclist who sued the local government when he hit a road surface defect that caused his bike to go down. Cyclist badly injured in pothole crash wins Ā£70,000 payout from council and County council ‘disappointed’ with High Court judgement I wish that we could do this in the US without the “sovereign immunity” dodge. Roads are (part of) the business of local governments and failing to keep them maintained for use is a failure of the government to do its job.

Infrastructure! news from MN that is applicable most places in the US. Who Pays for ā€œFreeā€ Park-and-Ride Parking?

More infrastructure news from Portland OR, America’s Copenhagen. New fire bureau policy could allow speed bumps on more commercial streets

And one of the counties that Portland occupies. New Washington County bike map worth a look This bike map has symbols that show the relative traffic density, road surface conditions in the area of the road where bikes travel, and bike lanes. Until we get a nationwide network of bike paths like the Netherlands this is about the best alternative.

And those are all the links that gave me fits or giggles today. I just do this for fits and giggles anyway šŸ˜‰

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