Daily Archives: December 20, 2011

Back to being in a rush, and the Feed

Today is Beans and Rice day here, which means that I have to go buy some because it was forgotten when we made out the shopping list last week. I also need to go to Harbor Freight to pick up some stocking stuffers for my guy relations (you’re probably going to be getting LED flashlights this year, guys). So, this will be another quickie post without looking for additional links.

Up first is a salmon cyclist hit in the most deadliest state in the US to walk or ride a bike. Bicyclist struck by vehicle, killed The cyclist was moving from the bike lane to the main lane of travel because of obstructions in the bike lane, which makes the wreck not because he was salmoning but rather because he was moving in and out of the lane. The salmoning made the wreck worse, but the obstructions in the bike lane caused it.

From CA the local news media has finally reported the death of a cyclist from weeks ago. Topanga woman dies from injuries suffered while bicycle riding More than 2 weeks it took to report on this wreck, with no mention that the victim was a writer and producer of children’s entertainment (I think that was what her specialty was). Also not mentioned was the driver was tailgating and speeding immediately prior to the wreck.

LifeStyle news from the place where I used to live when I was in high school. Family of bicyclist killed in hit-and-run accident still seek closure The family of a cyclist killed by a hit-and-run driver remembers her through acts of charity and giving.

And that’s all the news that gives me fits.

Billed @$0.02, Opus

An excellent experience in massage

I had a really great massage last week. I have multiple issues in dealing with the physical aftermath of my wreck, with permanent muscle and nerve damage, and from time to time I need to get a massage to unwind the knots and dial back the pain a bit. Well I found a technique that really helped dial back the pain and stiffness, using heated pillows filled with buckwheat and herbs, kind of a combination of stone massage and aromatherapy. The heated pillows make chronically tight muscles relax a bit so that the masseuse doesn’t have to use extreme pressure to get deep into tight muscles to make them unkink. The herbs are pleasant and make the person getting the massage relax a little more then would be the case without them.

The therapist that gave me the massage is Stephanie Brinkman. Her e-mail is sabrinkman@yahoo.com. Tell her she was highly rated by the Witch on a Bicycle.

PSA, Opus