Grocery day again, and the Feed

Yep, it’s time to fetch the comestibles from the store when Mrs. the Poet gets off her difficult job of removing the flavor from school lunches so the kids see free lunch as more a punishment for being poor than as nutrition. Not her idea, she gets her orders from levels much higher, but that is what it feels like to her. But when we eat we eat good, even when I’m doing the cooking. Which reminds me we need to get more black beans and lentils for the beans and rice. Last two batches were pintos alone, and even with a big glop of Sriracha sauce they were a bit on the bland side compared to my usual 3 bean blend. I have also been experimenting with the red/black pepper balance and discovered something interesting and useful. When the cayenne pepper is dominant the burn/tingle is in the front of the mouth, but when the peppercorn pepper is dominant the burn/tingle is in the back of the throat. I use a bunch of both when I make the beans. I try to keep it just at Mrs. the Poet’s tolerance level, which is pretty much False Alarm or barely detectable.

I had a metric buttload of links today, and sorting those links into something coherent was nearly impossible because I ran out of tabs in the sorting window. I can’t even read which tab goes to which article because there is only room for an icon in the tabs that show, and there are a bunch of tabs past the edge of the screen. So this will take a while, and might be a bit chaotic.

Up first is a semi-viral story about a NY lawmaker telling one of his constituents to not ride a bike as drivers won’t obey the laws and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Crotchety Long Island Lawmaker Just Wants Everyone To Stop Bicycling and DON’T SCARE OUR KIDS AWAY FROM BIKING, THOMAS BARRAGA If 90% of riders get hit then there is either something wrong with the infrastructure or with the drivers ed in that area, most probably both. Also if that many are getting hit then there needs to be more enforcement done against bad drivers, because if the wrecks are anything like what happens in the rest of the world 75% or more of those drivers were at fault for the wrecks.

Still in NY not too far from the legislative district of the previous paragraph we get a driver that went completely across the road from the outside lane to hit a cyclist riding on the opposite shoulder head on getting sentenced in the wreck. Driver who killed cyclist gets six months in jail

A CA wreck that could be interpreted either of two ways. Belmont Bicyclist Hospitalized in Downhill Crash Any time a cyclist goes down, think motor vehicle unless there is video showing otherwise. It could be the cyclist hit a stretch of “sketchy” pavement as reported, or the cyclist could have been “Jerry Browned” and knocked down without hitting the bike.

Things are getting better in L.A. but when you have so far to go “better” is still a long way from “good”. Metro speaks, but could maybe do a little more listening; New York county official says never ride on two wheels Yep, another link to the crazy NY legislator…

Another CA wreck. Cyclist dies after colliding with vehicle Maybe an intersection wreck from the narrative. It was either hit-from-behind or a T-bone collision so protocols (you can still get hit from behind while you’re in the intersection) to avoid, and get the infrastructure right to prevent. Also from the narrative, the car hit the cyclist no matter which one was at fault, not the other way around.

Still in CA. Friends, family mourn Rancho Cucamonga cyclist killed in crash This was the lady waved through the intersection and then hit by a car that swerved into the left turn lane to pass the car stopped in the through lane.

One cop is still pursuing the driver that murdered a cyclist in CA a decade after the wreck. WHO RAN DOWN CHARLES PHILYAW? The cyclist’s body was found in a tree above the road where he was hit, had there been such a tree where I was hit I would have had the same experience.

Another hit-and-run in NV. Cyclist injured in hit-and-run Intersection wreck, protocols to avoid or to mitigate damages, and get the infrastructure right to prevent. Note to LEO it wasn’t the helmet or lack of that was the problem in this wreck, it was the car hitting the cyclist. Worry more about cars hitting cyclists and helmets will become superfluous.

A cyclist is assaulted with the output from a tailpipe in OR. Man claims he was victim of intentional smoke screen from passing truck Lots of idiots like that on the roads, unfortunately. I hope they find the guy and charge him with assault with a chemical weapon.

The OH driver that hit a cyclist and left him to die in the road will be sentenced shortly. Sentence date set in death of Delaware County cyclist I have covered this wreck pretty thoroughly so I just want to savor the schadenfreude with this link… it’s soooo tasty… schadenfreude.

A UK wreck that has attracted world-wide attention. Cyclist who died after he was in a collision with a cement mixer named as Joshua Jarvis and Cyclist, 21, killed in collision with a cement mixer in student area of city If the pictures are of the cement mixer at the scene of the crime then that vehicle had no business being driven through that area, there’s not enough room for the vehicle to pass anything wider than a snake.

Closure on another UK wreck looks to be within sight. Police investigating Cyclist Daniel Squire’s road death have sent a file to the CPS Still nothing I can say about the wreck so that you can avoid it but it’s even odds that properly installed and maintained bicycle infrastructure of the Dutch model would have prevented the wreck.

Another UK link blames the infrastructure for a wreck. Partner of Redbourn Road cyclist victim backs campaign for safety measures

A hit-from-behind wreck in Oz kills another cyclist. Cyclist killed in crash with ute at Byron Bay The wreck was 50 meters or roughly 150 feet from the intersection, so that pretty much rules out anything but hit-from-behind protocols to avoid, and get ALL the infrastructure right to prevent.

Also from BikePortland, what gets left over after a snow storm? Piles of sand that had been used to make the streets safe for cars when there was ice in the roads, now making the road dangerous for cyclists. The storm is over, the gravel remains: What local agencies are doing about it

Infrastructure! news from Copenhagen. Desire Lines – Dybbølsbro Notice the high (relative) number of people breaking the laws for movement in this intersection. This is an indication that following the laws has a sub-optimal result for cyclists.

Snow shows where traffic calming should be installed. Snow Calming Seriously, if there are no tire track in the area after snow falls on it, there’s a good chance it could be turned into bike or pedestrian infrastructure without impacting traffic flow except to slow it down.

As my bike waits for the fitting and trip home I was inundated with links about other bakfietsen in use. Sperm, groceries, and mail: Why bike is best for precious cargo and Love and Cargo Bikes also ECF takes CycleLogistics to the World Bank A significant amount of cargo in cities can be moved by bike at reduced pollution and carbon footprint, not to mention that a cargo bike dies several orders of magnitude less damage to streets than a semi or even a small box van. I’m still trying to come up with a name for the new bike, I’ll know more after we meet and I see how much personality this bike has.

Back to CA for a lifestyle article. RIVERSIDE: Memorial ride for killed cyclist is Saturday

And I’m done, hopefully there will be fewer links and less mayhem tomorrow (technically later today) and I will get done prior to the Full Moon Service Friday night.

Billed @€0.02, Opus

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