I had to do Muggle things, and the Feed

I was away until 1600 today doing Muggle things at church, we had a big meeting to go over the long-range plan and vision statements and compare them to how we actually operated. I don’t know how much of the evaluation was fooling ourselves and how much was truth, but we seemed to be doing a pretty good job of comporting ourselves to how we say we want to be. And we had an awesome lunch. Woohoo! Free food.

Up first is a link to a man with a much better reputation about bike stuff then I have talking about the “Mess in Eagle CO”. Hit-and-Run in Vail, Colorado Incites Outrage I think the headline pretty much says everything I want to say about the article, and the situation.

In suburban Chicago a cyclist is hit-from-behind. Cyclist, car collide in Kendall; man listed in critical condition From what I can find out about this wreck the cyclist was exactly where he should be in the road, the driver just ignored him until the driver hit him from behind. The protocols work if you have a chance to use the escape route.

Another hit-from-behind wreck in CA. Coworkers fondly remember bicyclist killed in crash As of the posting of the article LEO still weren’t sure exactly what happened. Aside from the cyclist getting hit from behind that is.

Another case of a driver getting off easy after hitting a cyclist. Joliet man sentenced to court supervision for DUI accident that critically injured cyclist The State’s Attorney’s Office approved four counts of aggravated DUI against Smith, partly because his blood alcohol level was nearly three times the state limit at the time. But the judge thought that having that high a BAC was not a problem and only finds the driver guilty of misdemeanor DUI, and incredibly, not guilty of hitting the cyclist. That judge’s name is Judge Carla Alessio Policandriotes. Remember that name when the revolution comes and the time comes to put “them” up against the wall. Watch this person to make sure the judge never drives drunk, and have 911 on speed dial if she does.

Back in CA another cyclist is hit and killed with almost no details about the wreck released from LEO. Yucaipa cyclist struck, killed in Beaumont The cyclist’s club, Redlands Water Bottle Transit System, is a member club on BikeJournal.com

Another case of removing the liability from the driver of a killing machine because of a technical violation by the cyclist. 29-year-old cyclist killed while crossing the street The cyclist was riding in the crosswalk instead of walking the bike across the street… so the wreck was his fault instead of the driver’s.

Still in the Great White North, 2 zero emissions vehicles have a coming together. Zero Emissions race car hits cyclist Sounds like a massive “Oops” moment to me.

In Jolly Olde the victim of a 2001 wreck that left him in a coma for over a year finally gets some compensation from the driver’s insurance for the 24 hour care he needs. Injured cyclist’s £2.4m payout I couldn’t find if the man’s coma ended or if he was still not responsive…

A truck drives over a cyclist and continues without knowing he was there. Pensioner cyclist killed on road This seems to be a case of the truck driver not checking his blind spots before pulling away from am intersection. This wreck happened in Luxembourg but there is no indications that any relatives of the Schlenk brothers were involved. 🙂

And that’s all the news that gives me fits tonight.

Billed @$0.02, Opus

One response to “I had to do Muggle things, and the Feed

  1. Pingback: Blaming the victim — some drivers say cyclists are just asking for it « BikingInLA

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