Daily Archives: August 12, 2013

Another trip to the bike store pending, and the Feed

This is going to be another rush job as I have a Monday Feed to wade through, and I have to go to the bike store and make signs for a fundraiser at church this evening. In fact you might not see this until early Tuesday as I might just grab my stuff and go before I get done and finish when I do the things I need to do today.

Another hit-and-run in CA. Cyclist hurt in Chula Vista hit-and-run Intersection wreck, but the description of the wreck tells me there was nothing the cyclist could have done to prevent the wreck as the cyclist was already more than halfway through the intersection when struck. Infrastructure would not prevent a similar wreck, as the driver ignored a traffic control that gave right of way to the cyclist.

A cyclist is killed in OK. Runner, Cyclist Killed In Wrecks Near Lake Overholser and Bicyclist killed during Bethany Children’s Center fundraiser The cyclist appears to have hit a road defect that trapped his front wheel (as reported by a comment in the first link) and caused him to fall in front of a moving vehicle. This is 100% an infrastructure-caused wreck and only by getting the infrastructure corrected can a similar wreck be prevented.

A cyclist injured by a hit-and-run driver near my old stomping grounds talks about the wreck. Cyclist Nearly Killed By Hit-and-Run Driver Speaks Out The cyclist was hit from behind on a bridge crossing the Cumberland River, meaning she was on one of the few places she could get across the river and had no escape route to avoid the wreck, leaving getting the infrastructure fixed as the only way to prevent a future wreck.

A SWSS wreck in ME. 11-year-old boy on bicycle injured in collision with car in Bangor Driver passing too close and “It looks like it was bicyclist error, he said“. And I would be pulling my hair out except I deliberately cut it too short to grab. The cyclist was hit from behind by a driver that failed to move over to pass, so in the short run hit from behind protocols, in the medium run education for LEO that drivers do in fact have to move over far enough to allow cyclists “debris dodging” room, and in the long term get the infrastructure right to prevent.

A wreck in the most deadliest state in the US to walk or ride a bike that is actually blamed on the driver of the weapon vehicle. Man injured when bicycle struck by pickup I’m stunned that LEO charged a sober driver with running a cyclist over from behind, in Florida no less. Hit-from-behind protocols to avoid and get the infrastructure right to prevent. And Rod Serling is standing in the background talking about things in the Twilight Zone on this one…

A double assault on a cyclist in the Great White North. Cyclist struck in hit-and-run then robbed by stranger The robbery appears to be a crime of opportunity, the hit-and-run assault is still unsolved. The robbery part of the story appears to have caused the neglect of the wreck part of the story as aside from a description of the weapon vehicle there is nothing on the location or mode of the wreck.

UK cyclists are so unprotected by their legal system that drivers are assaulting them on the roads with impunity. Two cyclists injured in latest case of aggression against riders in Midlands That brings the total to 6 or 7 cyclists assaulted and reported to police and reported to media. There are probably even more that have not been reported to police or reported to police but not reported to media…

Infrastructure!-ish news from OZ. Cyclists to wear cameras as part of study into bike vs car crashes on Perth roads As is pointed out in the article this is a re-do of an earlier study that found drivers at fault 87% of the time, except this study is going to be concentrating on how infrastructure causes some of these negative interactions. Drivers are still going to be placed on trial in the study though as cameras don’t lie. Now if the conflicts arise because infrastructure forced them they will also be able to see that.

Kinda infrastructure news from the UK. Serious cycling casualties on the rise in Colchester Injuries and deaths are going down, but people walking, riding a bicycle, and riding a motorcycle are all increasing. That tells me that the only thing that has happened is that the cars are better able to protect occupants and that wrecks are continuing unabated. Drivers have not improved, just cars.

Another “helmets first” “safety” article, this time from KS. Police chief works to get helmets on bicycle riders

And those are all the links that gave me fits today.

Billed @€0.02, Opus