Daily Archives: August 13, 2013

I have to get out of here quick, and the Feed

I was too late finishing the post yesterday and could not get to the LBS in time to get back in time to go to my meeting (see how things stack up around here?). So as there is only a tiny Feed this morning I should get out of here in time to get back for my meeting tonight. But I will still not get dinner until sometime around 2200.

A cyclist in far West Canuckistan was injured by a booby trap across a road. Victoria cyclist injured by tape strung across Kings Road At this point it is unknown if the trap was intended for a cyclist, or just placed so the perp could hear the pistol shot like noise of a car breaking the tape. Even a very strong bicycle headlight would have a hard time illuminating black electrical tape in the dark. I place this in the “unavoidable by human cyclists” category. As for prevention it’s not even sure at this point the intended victim was supposed to be a cyclist so prevention is pretty much impossible.

From the UK a cyclist was collateral damage in a pinball wreck. UPDATE: Markham cyclist dies after Hafodyrynys crash and Cyclist seriously injured after Hafodyrynys crash and Cyclist killed in collision in Crumlin UK media outlets so nothing specific about the wreck(s) but what little I have been able to piece together the cyclist was hit when one of the 2 vehicles went into him. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Segregated infrastructure with barrier protection would have prevented this tragedy.

Lifestyle in OK after a cyclist is killed. Norman cyclist killed; memorial fund established This was the cyclist killed falling in front of motor vehicle traffic during a charity ride. It is suspected the cyclist was taken down by a road defect.

And those are all the links that gave me fits this morning.

Billed @€0.02, Opus